4e EuroMed 2012 dédiée à la documentation et protection de l'héritage culturel : appel à contributions

4th EuroMed 2012 - Limassol Chypre

Conférence dedicated to Cultural Heritage Documentation and Protection

29 octobre - 3 novembre 2012, Limassol, Cyprus


This event will be held during the Cypriot EU Presidency of the EU Council and will be dedicated to the Cultural Heritage, in particular in the areas of Protection, Restoration, e-Documentation and Preservation of Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

Professionals, researcher’s, and students will come together during this unique time period to present state of the art research results and discuss the future developments in Europe.

Qu'en est-il du patrimoine industriel  ?

Il pourrait être traité sous plusieurs formes, en fonction des contributions : répons de Marinos Ioannides (Permanent Academic and Research Staff at Cyprus University of Technology) à la question posée par Adriaan Linters

We have the following options: 

1. to submit a paper(s) and organize a special plenary session on issues concerning Industrial Heritage or 

2. to organize a workshop and invite ca. 10-15 experts & organizations involved in this area. The papers could be published on a special issue of the International Journal Heritage in the Digital Era: www.multi-science.co.uk/ijhde.htm, dedicated to Industrial Heritage.



The call for participation is available under: http://www.euromed2012.eu/index.php/call-for-participation/
The call for papers is available: www.euromed2012.eu