Annonce du Ticchih : Industrial Heritage Re-tooled

Publication of Industrial Heritage Re-tooled: The TICCIH guide to Industrial Heritage Conservation 

I am pleased to announce the imminent publication of Industrial Heritage Re-tooled: The TICCIH guide to Industrial Heritage Conservation, edited by James Douet. This volume contains 33 essays by some of the foremost practitioners in Industrial Heritage today, with best practice examples from around the world. Guided in part by our own Nizhny Tagil Charter, the essays cover a broad sweep of topics from artifact to landscape, from survey to conservation, from World Heritage to museums and teaching. Over 240 pages and colorfully illustrated, this volume will appeal to professional and educated enthusiast alike, and is intended to reach an audience that includes planners, decision-makers and interested citizens.

Patrick Martin
TICCIH President

Order your book directly from our book distributor, YPD Books, at their website below and enter the members-only code VOUCHER10 and receive a 10% discount.
ecran 2012-11-21 à 08.23.05
dépliant de présentation (en anglais) : BookFlyer.pdf